So you’re a new cross stitcher, looking to learn more about the craft and improve your skills? At Sunlit Spaces, we enjoy crafts of many types, including needle crafts. Today we have a post just for you! Check out these 12 tips for new cross stitchers. They’ll have you feeling more experienced in no time!
Get all of your cross stitching gear at Michaels.

- When you form a French knot, stick the needle back through very close to the original hole without going back through it.
- When you’re working with perforated paper and it tears, patch it with tape and a second small piece of perforated paper. You can easily work through the two layers.
- Find an online forum where you can ask questions of experienced cross stitchers. They have valuable information they’re willing to share!
- When unpicking incorrect stitches, snip off the threads as you go so that the unpicked threads don’t tangle.
- Laminate the chart for your project so you don’t lose it. It helps to keep an extra copy tucked away just in case.
- If you feel like a design is too hard, instead of getting frustrated, just put it away for a while. Come back to it when you’re feeling calmer.
- As you work on a project, if you notice that the fabric is pulling or is otherwise distorted, get the stitches damp with water. Then use pins to anchor them where you want them. Let them air dry, and the distortion should be gone.
- A bullion knot is just a French knot, except the thread is wrapped around the needle more than two times.
- You can create thicker, fuller French knots by using more strands of thread.
- Anytime you discover that you have made stitches in an incorrect area, just remove them by snipping them from the front with small scissors.
- When cutting fabric for a project, it’s much easier to error on the side of cutting it too large than to cut it too small. If you do cut it too small, you can add a strip of decorative fabric or ribbon to make a pretty edge.
- If you cross stitch regularly, keep at least several shades of thread from your favorite brand on hand. That way you are always ready to start a fun new project whenever you get the inspiration!
For some fun and interesting cross stitch pattern ideas, visit Sew What Alicia.
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